The Clueless at The Work Podcast
Anthony Garone talks with several experts in his network about how to navigate the complexities of professional work.
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Episode 3: Mental Blocks and Reliable Transportation with Andy Frey
We face distractions and obstacles every day, some directly and some indirectly. Here’s how Andy and I handle them.
Automated Episode Transcript
Published on: Sun, Dec 01, 2019
[00:00:03] Anthony: Welcome to the Clueless at the work podcast where we talk through a framework for being successful in your job. My name is Anthony Garone, and I’ll be hosting this show with some friends who are experts in helping people grow content is based on my book Clueless at the work advice from a corporate tyrant which is published by Stairway Press. You can find out more at clueless at the work dot com. Welcome back to the clueless at the work podcast. I am Anthony. I am Andy and we are here to illuminate your day. Illuminate? Yes, as we elucidate, elucidate but not ruminate. There may be some rumination, maybe. Yeah, and there will be some ruination. Who? Ruination? Yes, Ruination. All right, So I realized in our last episode, um, that we were talking about stage one and stage zero, but we didn’t really introduce this concept of stages. So, uh, the book clueless at the work features what I’m calling. Of course. Ah, five stage program. A framework? Yeah, a framework. It would not be a business book. A self improvement book if I didn’t have some five steps. Something Yeah, and quite unfortunately, I came up with it myself. It wasn’t like someone else said You need to have a five stage program, but then begins will buy your book. Then they’re gonna enjoy it. You know, it’s not like that at all.
[00:01:33] Andy: Yeah, I’m part of the problem.
[00:01:35] Anthony: I know I am part of the problem. Everything steps. I never thought I’d write a self help book, but here I am that is horribly, miserably walking through. Well done. Thank you. Think I’ve never been less proud and Crowder at the same time, All right, so in the book, I call it the hierarchy of success. We love hierarchy is in pretentious enough while I do. The work is actually capitalized Capital T Capital W. Because I wanted to be pretentious. But really, the work is just the name of this five stage program. And, ah, it’s a hierarchy because I kind of like the five dysfunctions of the team. There’s the bottom layer of trust and then, you know, it goes up and up. Well, this one I thought of it as an upside down pyramid because ah, I’d like jugglers. And, you know, there’s like those jugglers who stand on like I feel like put a ball on the ground, that escape board on top of it, and then like to, you know, PVC pipes and then a wooden plank. And then they’re juggling knives on top. That that’s how I see this. You know, an inherently unstable thing. D’oh! Because really, if the lowest level I know like Patrick Lynch Cioni and five dysfunctions he his pyramid is like it’s built on a foundation of trust, right? Yeah, well, it doesn’t inflect the difficulty of trust. So that’s why I think upside down pyramid like you’re standing on an upside down pyramid. This thing could topple at any time. You have to be balanced, and you have to really understand where your feet are.
[00:03:21] Andy: And because it’s trust, it’s very difficult to get it all back up and running again,
[00:03:25] Anthony: right? Yeah. So, um, so I think of my hierarchy. Is that upside down pyramid that you’re standing on? I like it. Eso Stage one is show up on time and do well, and we started covering that in the last episode, showing up on time in particular, we haven’t gotten to doing well and there might still be some stuff on showing up on time. But Stage two is develop understanding and proficiency, which means, like I know why your job exists and get good at that. And, as you know, your job does not exist for what is written in the job description. Right? Right. Stage three is build relationships and become indispensable. Be the person that is always needed. Stage four has read the room and take ownership. So the idea there, it was like be able to understand who’s at the table if it’s a meeting and be able to work the street a result and take ownership over something like you’re a mini CEO of an effort and then stage five, which is course it’s like level five and good degree, you know? Yeah, impossible to achieve. But here we go, take control, get rich and change the world good as well as, well, find out. Getting rich just means have enough wealth that you don’t have to worry about money and change the world, meaning your own world and the world of the people around you and not like, you know, in some sort of spiritually or universal way. It’s more like change the way you see, things change the way other people see things around here become happy. Success follows that. Yeah. Yeah. So we talked about showing up to work on time, and, Ah, the first challenge that I go through in this book for showing up on time is mental blocks. Mental blocks can stop you from being on time. You know, you’ve got something going on in your life. Uh, and when I say show up on time, it doesn’t just mean be physically here. You know, like you’re married, you have kids or an important relationship, whatever it is like, Yeah, you’re here. But you’re not here.
[00:05:49] Andy: You’re sitting on the couch. You’re not interacting. That’s right. Yeah. Yep,
[00:05:53] Anthony: My wife, my wife has a wonderful epithet for me, the Impenetrable monolith. Because there are times where well, I’m not just I’m just not that emotional, you know, we’re reactive. She’ll be talking to me, and I’m like, and she goes, Can you at least nod? You say Okay. You know, I feel like you’re just staring through me.
[00:06:15] Andy: Yeah, I can actually relate to that. We’ve had discussions in our offices when you were working at Melt, and you would be looking at me and I would be making a point. And I’m Is he getting this or is he judging Lord to see what is going on? And that comes from insecurity on my part? Because, you know, I had a lot of respect for, you know, the things you were studying and putting together for Ken Show and all that, you know, like I am I saying something that is not making sense or what? It’s hard and I, you know, I think I’m very empathetic, and I’m very good at reading people. But when when you’re kind of stoic, you know, and just staring, it’s difficult.
[00:06:54] Anthony: I I think I’m still like to the point where maybe I have Asperger’s or something like that. No, that’s what I’m told or, ah, tranq tranquilizer. That was right. There’s that movie Magnolia, where Tom Hanks or Tom Hanks. Tom Cruise is sitting in a chair and he’s getting like, grilled in this interview, and he’s just staring at the interviewer and she says, What do you what do you do when he goes? I’m quietly judging you. Yeah, that’s that. Seemed I can relate to that.
[00:07:26] Andy: Yeah, yeah, or someone who’s sitting there talking to
[00:07:29] Anthony: you. Is that right? Yeah. So, Andy, tell us about when you’ve encountered mental blocks that prevent you from being present
[00:07:39] Andy: more. Maybe it would be faster to answer that with when I haven’t, uh, I so I constantly have mental. I mean, literally, constantly would have mental blocks because of my attention deficit. That that was a problem. Um, and maybe not block so Muchas many, many pathways, you know? And, um,
[00:08:01] Anthony: so you’re you’re just constantly seeing tangents
[00:08:04] Andy: all the time. Yeah, unless I’m medicated. And, um, that is literally a problem. Um, and over over many decades, you’ve learned to manage that to a degree, but when I was younger, um, mental blocks were constant. You know, you have to get something done. You know, that’s the pressing thing, But there’s something shiny er over here. Nope. Nope. There’s something shiny over there, and that is absolutely constant. And without being highly caffeinated, Um, you know, it would. It caused me all sorts of grief it can cause, um, you know, you’d be late. There was a lot when I was younger. There was a lot of I, you know, I I won’t be there on time. You know, it was an and it’s frustrating because I’m not never consider myself a terrible person. I cared, but, uh, flaky, you know, and, um, and I just want to pound myself for, you know, just you know, Why are you why do you keep doing that? Why it is that thing more important? And I think that’s it’s I think it’s easier for people nowadays to have mental blocks because there’s so many distractions. Got the phone. We are the velocity of information that is hitting us today is insane, and we are not prepared to deal with that. So we get distracted by things that are not important. And it seems silly that we have to train people on how to prioritize what’s important and what’s not. But it’s, uh, I don’t think it’s our fault. I think there’s just too much stuff, I think, and we’re not prepared for it. But that’s one of the big ones to me, I think, and I see it a lot is that people are. They’re blocked by the distractions. Yeah, lots of distractions. The big one. I think that’s
[00:09:50] Anthony: the positive side of it too, has There’s a lot of negativity that can be a mental block for showing up on time. Um, some people have money problems. Some people have Children, problems. Um, some people, they go on Twitter, and it just wrecks them, you know? Yep. 11 bad encounter can just ruin your whole day, you know, or someone like, uh, someone tweeted that I was a soy boy. I didn’t even know what that meant. What does that mean? Apparently it means that, uh, I don’t eat enough meat. And I believe that soy is the answer. And so I have, ah, week looking body or something like that, but, uh,
[00:10:35] Andy: have they seen you?
[00:10:37] Anthony: You know, they saw my little avatar, you know, picture of me, but, you know, like some even a silly insult. Yeah, something that you don’t you don’t even take seriously can be like Well, clearly, I’m still carrying something of that around. And my friends and I, we joke about that. Okay, whatever. Soy boy. Um, but that 11 tweet, you know, caused caused me to think differently. Or I made another video, this Frank Zappa video and I was granted exclusive access to the Frank Zappa. You know, family and stuff like that. And that was awesome until the comments started. You know, right? And then when the comments start rolling in and Frank’s like, got a lot of cantankerous fans who very much disagree with what the family is doing with certain aspects of his music. And so they’re like, someone called me a Nazi. You know, some other people I know. It’s ridiculous. Like I just made a video about Frank Zappa music and I’m a Nazi. Yeah, but, um, there could be like we live in that world where there’s so much information but also so much interaction. And we also have real problems, families being split up because of a political beliefs. You know, the inability to to cohabitate with people of different beliefs is a big problem, too. So there can be a lot of mental blocks. Um, positive and negative. Positive is like, shiny, shiny. No, this is cool. New information, You know, I can I can see what is happening with anyone anywhere in the world. Now I know that someone got stabbed on a on a train, you know, somewhere in like Australia like Okay, Why? I never needed that in for me right now. I’m concealing it. Right, But on the other hand, it could be something like, Well, this person on Facebook that I’ve never met has pancreatic cancer. What am I supposed to do with this information, right? Yeah, It could be a mental block or something, You know, serious and close to home. My daughter’s in the hospital. I can’t pay attention. Right. So what I do I talk about in this book are ways to manage that. So, like we mentioned with just being on time set expectations like, uh hey, boss, I am I’m going through something right now, and it’s really affecting me. I just need a couple weeks. I should be over it by then. Or, you know, my daughter should be out of the hospital by then. Whatever it is, just give me a little bit of a break. Asked the team to take it easy, you know, give me a little less work. I’ve got to get through this. But the reality is, after that couple weeks, they’re waiting for you to work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They accommodated. All right.
[00:13:29] Andy: We met we met in the middle. We’re taking care of you. Um, you know, you get, that’s your responsibility to come back and, you know, keep doing what you do. Yeah, To get into the to get into the ah comfort zone with that time off and then not come back, You know, yourself, that’s that’s your That’s your choice. You know, there’s some things
[00:13:52] Anthony: I can’t control. You
[00:13:53] Andy: know, there’s some things. You something’s air, they just happened. The universe does that indiscriminately. You know, Um, but if if it’s if it’s one of those things were, like, you know, actually enjoyed that time off and I don’t wanna I kind of wanna keep keep going a little a little more on cruise control. You know, that’s ah, expect consequences for those choices.
[00:14:13] Anthony: Well, and business is cruel, you know, And ah, no one waits for you to recover, right? And frankly, after so long because your problems are not my problem. I’m gonna be like And when is Andy going to get out of this funk? Yeah. I need Andy to be working right. And at some point, I have to complain about it, even if it makes me a jerk. It’s like I can’t get my work done. I can’t get my bonus. You know, my family, we count on that money, you know, whatever it is, and and he’s not there to help me. So I’m working double time or I’m putting in an extra. I’m losing 10 hours with my family this week. How long can we allow an D d? Oh, yeah. To be in this funk, it causes real problems. Yeah, and I don’t Obviously, this is not a conversation about solving deep problems, but if you’re facing this problem, ain’t no way you can get through the other stages of this hierarchy of success. You know, if you can’t show up and be present, no one’s gonna say you’re indispensable, right? Yeah.
[00:15:21] Andy: They’re gonna look for someone else who is indispensable,
[00:15:23] Anthony: right? No one’s getting rich being unable to solve their problems in their lives,
[00:15:29] Andy: or we’re enabling you to do whatever you need to do. And you’re not reciprocating.
[00:15:36] Anthony: That was no stockholders gonna go. Well, you know, they’re director of software. He had a really rough quarter. He was ill, you know? Yeah. It doesn’t matter
[00:15:45] Andy: to them. Yeah, the business itself is indiscriminate. This right? It does what it does, right? And it needs to keep moving for the rest of the people involved are not getting paid,
[00:15:53] Anthony: right. Even at a small company like a friend of mine works at Ah, at a at a tech company, it’s only like four people. And if one person is not showing up, is not, you know, not well or whatever it is, the whole company suffers. Revenue goes down like everyone is suffering. So at some point, you’ve got to either just get over it, fix the problem, or remove yourself. Move on. Yep. Yeah, because you’ll be removed.
[00:16:21] Andy: Yeah. Yeah. Better to be proactive,
[00:16:24] Anthony: right? Yeah, I think that’s that’s one of the toughest parts of ah of working because it’s not a human institution, right? It’s a financial institution that has humans there. Yeah.
[00:16:38] Andy: Yep. Which is also a good reason not to base your self worth on your job,
[00:16:42] Anthony: right? Because the business doesn’t care. Yeah, don’t give no crap about you, right. It does. You know, like when things are on the up and up. Yeah, but when they’re not? Yeah. Yeah,
[00:16:54] Andy: the people there, I care about
[00:16:56] Anthony: you. That’s right. But the company does that. The company doesn’t write. The profit and loss statement does not care about QuickBooks. So mean to me. So one another challenge in showing up on time is reliable transportation. How many people have you known who just couldn’t get to work because they didn’t have reliable transportation?
[00:17:19] Andy: How many people have? I know? Well, let’s
[00:17:21] Anthony: see at least a handful.
[00:17:22] Andy: Yeah, I mean, it always there. Always there? Yeah. Um, more so when, you know, probably indifferent, Haven’t seen different professions. But, you know, in in this, I would say is I’ve gotten farther along in this field and especially get a company like melt melt media where, um, you know, we’re paying high performing individuals. You know, um, who have generally well educated, uh, driven the most part, you know, not so much. But other companies where I’ve worked and even in school district’s, um, yeah, more often, you know, just, uh, don’t have that part of their lives sorted out. Um, you know, or maybe they’re 11 in particular. One of the, um, one of the companies that I worked for. This person was a minimalist. So no car, very little of anything, actually, which is great, cause they’re stuffing their checking account with paychecks, but but at the same time, not super reliable for showing up because, you know, the bus or whatever. It was occasionally a taxi, but, you know, a lot of times that is not reliable. And I had discussions with her. You know, you you are doing really well. You have nothing else in your life except your apartment. This your your dog and get a car. Just You’re late for the 9 30 all the time. And it’s because the bus or the taxi, whatever it was, right or your bike. Yeah. You just get a shitty car. You’re you’re 10 miles away.
[00:19:03] Anthony: Yeah. Yeah, well, and I think that’s another issue where people are like, Well, Google map says there’s 14 minutes to get to work. So I’ve got a nine o’clock meeting. I’ll get my I’ll get in the car at 8 45 Yeah. Yeah, like you gotta park. You gotta walk in. You gotta make sure you’re ready opening the laptop, you know, firing it up. Whatever. Like no one’s ready to go like like that. It doesn’t happen, right? No brain. Is that ready? Ever? Especially in the morning, and especially if you’re just waking up. Yes. And I included. Ah, a quote in here about pop Tarts from Brian Regan. Yes. He’s like, uh, he’s talking about how there’s microwave instructions on the on the pop tarts. Oh, here it is. Yeah. How long does it take to toast a pop tart? A minute and 1/2 if you want it. Dark people don’t have that kind of time. Listen, if you need to zap fry your pop tart before you head out the door, you might want to loosen up your schedule. Yeah, but it’s true. Like just give yourself enough time. Make sure you’re there is enough time to account for the bus being late. Yeah, or, you know, you’re feeling a little slow, so maybe you need another 10 minutes on the bicycle. You know, leave earlier than you normally do. Whatever it is, just show up on time
[00:20:29] Andy: occasionally. Yeah, maybe the alarm doesn’t go off. Maybe you didn’t set. It may be some things. Sometimes that happens again. The universe indiscriminately poops on you. And you know, that’s just you you used that to fuel yourself forward, you know? But
[00:20:43] Anthony: that should have been the title of this podcast universe poops on you indiscriminately. It
[00:20:49] Andy: doesn’t care, but But, Thea, you know, So sometimes that happens. And you see someone in traffic putting on makeup, filling, doing something with their coffee. But they’re doing things they should have done when they were at. All
[00:21:02] Anthony: right, Put on makeup. Yeah, tying a tying
[00:21:05] Andy: a tie shaving. You know, I’ve seen that a few times the past couple of weeks. Somebody’s there with electric shaver, and they’re they’re going down the 202 and they got the visor down. Um, and like, if you’re doing that, you’re not driving.
[00:21:20] Anthony: Yeah. Do you think like, would you say, Yeah, that guy’s ready for a $40 million portfolio? Of course not. You can’t even get a shaving done right. You know, you’ve got it. If you want to be trusted with real responsibility, you’ve got to show up. You’re on time.
[00:21:36] Andy: Your bed’s gonna be made. You’ve got as you get yourself put together and ready. Yeah,
[00:21:41] Anthony: that’s right. And I know people. Some people think this is crazy, but it’s It’s really an indicator for much more in your life.
[00:21:49] Andy: Oh, yeah, Yeah, I agree. 100% effort that make your bed thing. Yeah. You know, Jordan. I understand. Yeah, he does it. Yes. Says that’s one of his first
[00:21:58] Anthony: and change the world if you can’t change your bed or right. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. But, um, I mentioned in the book that Craigslist ads for musicians like,
[00:22:09] Andy: Yes, that one’s great.
[00:22:11] Anthony: It’s all about reliable transportation, because if all you’re making is 30 bucks from a gig, you got a drummer Donny Show? Yeah, because his car broke down. You’re not getting paid for the gig. And that, that is like the difference between pizza and no pizza. Yeah.
[00:22:29] Andy: Is it always assumed that the drummer has the larger vehicle? Because it’s got to carry that kid around?
[00:22:34] Anthony: Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Yeah, but you know what they say. What’s the difference between a pizza and a drummer? A pizza can feed a family of four. Oh, great. So anyway, like, reliable transportation is a big deal. Yeah, and, um, I’ve even lent my car to people. This this one person, she needed my car for, like, three weeks and Ah, I I had a lot of business travels. I was like, Yeah, sure. You know, one week I’ll be a traveling one week. You can come pick me up, take me to the office, you know, drop me off on the way home. She needed a car. She had It was like, her only car, and we had two cars, so of course, yes. Um, even if you have to borrow a car in the meantime or something, it is better freak. You did, like, pay for a lift or a taxi every day to show up on time than the reputational cost of not showing up on time.
[00:23:38] Andy: Yeah. Yeah. And the repair for that reputation is difficult.
[00:23:43] Anthony: That’s right. Yeah. I mean, even in then in relationships, they say, like, for every bad thing you say about your spouse or whatever. You need 10 things. 10 good things to make up the difference. And if you’re Lee every day because of a totally solved solved problem, right, everyone’s got lift her uber access, whatever it is, if you’re late because of that, people are going to start saying stuff. Yeah, you know, even if it’s humorous, it’s reputational cost.
[00:24:16] Andy: Yeah, yeah, there’s that mentioned in the seven habits of highly effective people the emotional bank account and that works not just for spouses and family, but that works at the organization to That’s right. You You show up, you you’re reliable, you’re responsible. You’re making deposits in the emotional bank accounts of your your teammates and the organization, and you start to flake out, not show up, uh, not be present to me to be there physically but not be in and involved. Not be contributing. You’re withdrawing, you know, uh, credits from the emotional bank account. And that’s when people start to go negative. Their brains do that. It’s easier for brains to do that than to go positive,
[00:24:59] Anthony: right? And then, ah, these jokes can last years.
[00:25:04] Andy: Oh, yeah.
[00:25:04] Anthony: Like if someone makes fun of you for something, it’s like I know people still laugh about, um, like, I’ve had to share a hotel room with the co worker, you know, like, many years ago, and cause my room just smelled like cigarettes. Like like it was unbelievably bad. Yeah. I’m not like a pansy about this. Like I’m a 37 year old male I’ve with three kids. I know bad smells, clean toilets. I’ve had a poop flowing out of a toilet just two weeks ago. You know, like, I know what it’s like to deal with smells. I couldn’t breathe in this room. So then it was like, Hey, you’re gonna go share the room with Frank again, You know, like, years later, like a you and Frank can go share a room like that happened one time. But it’s a joke forever. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so, uh, you need my car because you can’t show up to work? Uh, you know, like as that person with a bad car problem, you’re like, do just shut up with the jokes. It’s not funny anymore. It’s not my reality, but it’s their reality of you. It’s a perception that you created because you couldn’t solve your basic car problem. Everyone has car problems. But like if you can’t get to work on time because you choose to not have a reliable, you know, motor transportation. Yeah. No, like my friend has an MGB. He’s not gonna drive that toe work because he knows it’s running. Yeah. Yeah. A British race car is not a release. A reliable car,
[00:26:38] Andy: right? Yeah. He’s constantly tinkering on it. They say, uh, you know, you meet someone, and they give you a rotten handshake. You’ll remember that for 13 years. Um, you know that those those negative things, those bad things, you know, stick rain Much, Much longer than the positive things, huh? Yep, That’s that’s super important.
[00:27:00] Anthony: Do you have any? Ah, any stories yourself about you?
[00:27:06] Andy: Oh, um, Let’s see. Well Ah,
[00:27:09] Anthony: something stupid. You did
[00:27:11] Andy: well. Oh, my gosh. How many? Um, what? One surfaces. Let’s see. Well, so one speaking of bands, I was in a band called Puke Stain. Um, p e w k s t a n e. It was a dumb thing. We were just doing and, you know, kind of toward the end of college. Buddy of mine way. Uh, yeah, I guess that goes without saying, doesn’t it? Um, but we kind of we were, you know, inspired and and, uh, um are by, um, Spinal tap, you know? So we put the costumes on. We were not good. I I picked up the drums and learned how to play him in a few weeks, and then we just We started playing fraternity houses and stuff like that, and, uh, we went on doing that for a while and it was fun. It was cool. You know, it’s for me. That was adrenaline rush. It was super exciting to play in front of crowds, especially when you’re not good. And you’re trying really hard to
[00:28:08] Anthony: the level up very fast.
[00:28:09] Andy: Yes, you do. And that’s that’s always been a good motivator for me. But we did that for awhile, and then I just you know, it’s one of those things I just didn’t see value in After a while. I did like doing it was fun. But I’m not gonna go practice for something that I’m not gonna get anything out of. I think I was. It felt like I was 50 when I was late twenties. You know, like this. I’ve got better things to do with my time right now at this point, and I would I actually would just not go to the practices and, um, at one point, my, you know, my best friend was almost finished with me, you know, it’s like why, you know, tell me you’re not showing up or you know, I just because again, shiny object, something would catch my attention. And I would fail to tell him I’m not gonna make practice, you know? And it was terrible. It was awful. That’s one of those things that the seven habits illuminated for me. Even, you know, e knew in the back of my head that’s a terrible thing to do. But I would just let it go, right, because something else got my attention. Ryan was not cool to do that to my to my buddies. And ah, almost didn’t stand up in his wedding because of that. Wow, It was It was bad. Yeah. Wow, you know, and just just clueless, just completely clueless.
[00:29:19] Anthony: I get that way because I built the studio in my backyard and ah, my wife is like, sometimes you go out there and you just don’t you don’t tell me what you’re doing. You don’t tell me how long you’ll be out there and I’m inside doing X y Z or waiting for you or something I’m like, but I’m just in the backyard and she’s like, but you’re not in the house. Yeah, you’re You’re out in a separate building, doing your own thing. You didn’t tell me he just left. And, ah, as hard as it can be to swallow, that’s the truth. And she is. I’m not gonna say she’s wrong, because it’s her perspective, and it’s my reputational cost. So, like, if that’s the cost, is it worth it? Right? It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. If that’s the cost. Do I want to pay that cost? Do I want my wife to resent the studio? Do I want her to resent how I spend my time and into? I definitely need to be more considerate about that. I’ve gotten better, but it’s so easy to come out here. I’ve got a wall, you know, fully guitars. I’ve got this. I’ve got gigabit Ethernet in here. I have video games. I have a zillion books and CDs. So it’s really easy to get distracted in here. Yeah, I come out here, you know, like I left something in the house or my wallet’s in the studio. It come out to get my wallet. Oh, there’s my district email. Oh, let me just answer this real quick. Yeah. Oh, you know what? I forgot. I’ve got a look at this other thing. And I didn’t pay that bill. And what it’s like suddenly, Yeah. 2030 40 60 minutes. And how many hours do we have together after the kids go to bed, too? Yeah, it’s like I just burned half of my night with my wife on email. The stupidest thing.
[00:31:21] Andy: Yeah, I do little doses of that kind of thing. Like this morning. Um, you know, eating my oatmeal, looking through the book, you know, copying some things down. I want to copy down. I’m like, this will only take a few minutes, you know? And next thing I know, I’m two minutes away from when I need to leave. And I still got half a thing oatmeal and, you
[00:31:42] Anthony: know, and no pants on.
[00:31:43] Andy: You know, bands on. You know, it’s just those little tiny things just take you away. That’s right. It’s amazing, man. Fast that time disappears.
[00:31:50] Anthony: Cool. Well, let’s wrap up this episode. Let’s do, uh, thanks for listening. Clueless at the work dot com for more info about the book and ah, check out stairway press dot com for other books by my publisher. A lot of excellent stuff on there. Thanks for listening.
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